Playful optimism and joyful spaces

Molly Hawkins is an award-winning visual artist based in Bristol. She is known for creating vibrant and colourful street art murals as well as playful public artworks.

Her unique use of colour and cut-out shapes transforms various urban spaces, including exterior mural commissions on city streets, interior mural installations, and basketball court mural designs. In addition to her murals, Molly also creates three-dimensional sculptures, and surface pattern designs, and provides set design services. Inspired by the natural world and movement, her joyful wall art designs and bespoke mural art services bring vibrancy and a sense of discovery to the spaces they adorn.






NHS, Finisterre, Surfers Against Sewage, FATFACE, Lloyds Bank, Posca Pen, McCann Bristol, MiniRig, Arts Council Engand, Girls Who Grind Coffee, Upfest, Yes Colours

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BBC News, Time Out, The Observer, Design Week, Sky Sports, B24/7, Mollie Makes, Basketball England
Artist Studio public art london commission